Alianza - Escritura, 2023
Artificial Inteligence for detection for common errors during writing in iniciation university students
Supported by Alianza UNAM. (id. Alianza 15).
Colaborator (coordinated bhr PhD. Tamara Alcántara).
Co-designing technology with indigenous interpreters, 2022-2023
Conversation agent to support the dignification of indegenous languages interpreters in the legal field labor
Supported by Plataforma de Aprendizaje Profundo para Tecnogías del Lenguaje, INAOE. (id. PAPTL 2022-05).
Co-leader, with Dra. Sofía Trejo.
Oceanic Exchanges, 2019-2021
Design of study programs for training and skills in programming in information and communication technologies for the code school within PILARES of Mexico City
Supported by SECTEI/284/2019. (id. SECTEI/284/2019).
Responsable Técnico.
Forensic Voice, 2016-2018
Definition of linguistic parameters for the classificatio of a speech dataset for forensic identification
Supported by PAPIIT-UNAM. (id. IA401517 ).
ML expert (Cordinator, Dr. Fernanda López).
Gait characterization, 2017-2018
Sensor Network for the characterizacion of human gait
Supported by CONACYT Beca mixta Fabiola Monrraga.
ML expert (Cordinator, Dr. Eddy Sanchez, ITSM).
Diaspora, 2016-2019
Semantic Information extraction from the web for the detection of diaspora of knowledge movility
Supported by SEP-CONACYT-ANUIES-ECOS NORD. (id. 279082).
Colaborator (Cordinator, Dr. Luis Pineda).
Connectivity in legal documents, 2017-2018
Legal complex constructivism: cognition, complexity and law
Supported by CONACYT Fronteras de la Ciencia.
Colaborator (Cordinator, Dr. Enrique Cáceres).
Golfred, 2015-2016
Machine reading for narrative generation of spatial experiences in service robots (PIRAT-AUF)
Supported by AUF Bureau Ameriques.
Text generation (Cordinator, Dr. Luis Pineda).
Jakatón 2015, 2015
First Natural Language Processing hackaton in Mexico
Supported by NAACL Emerging Regions Funding.
Golem-III in Universum, 2013-2015
Golem-III: A robot guide for the Universum museum (PICCO12-024)
Supported by SECITI (prev. ICYTDF).
In charge of computational linguistic modules (Cordinator, Dr. Luis Pineda).
Vision and arms of Golem-III, 2013-2016
Object recognition and manipulation module for Golem (IN107513)
Supported by PAPIIT-UNAM.
Responsable of computational linguistic modules (Cordinator, Dr. Luis Pineda).
Golem-II+, 2009-2012
The Golem-II robot: A situated conversational assistant with spoken language and computer vision (81965)
Supported by CONACyT.
Responsable of computational linguistic modules (Cordinator, Dr. Luis Pineda).
Language in Golem-II+, 2010-2012
Development of a stochastic models for semantic processing in the Golem Robot with a minimum labelled corpus (IN115710-3)
Supported by PAPIIT-UNAM.
Responsable of computational linguistic modules (Cordinator, Dr. Luis Pineda).
Guess the Card, 2009-2010
Golem-Universum: Guess the card
Responsable of computational linguistic modules (Cordinator, Dr. Luis Pineda).