Conference proceedings

  1. Robles, C. , Carrillo, M. , Meza, I. and González, R. : Text-to-speech for Children's Stories. IEEE Mexican International Conference on Computer Science, ENC 2024. pp. 8. 2024.
  2. Ebrahimi, A. , Mager, M. , Wiemerslage, A. , Denisov, P. , Oncevay, A. , Liu, D. , Koneru, S. , Yavuz, E. , Li, Z. , Niehues, J. , Romero, M. , Torre, I. , Alumäe, T. , Kong, J. , Polezhaev, S. , Belousov, Y. , Chen, W. , Sullivan, P. , Adebara, I. , Talafha, B. , Alcoba, A. , Abdul-Mageed, M. , Chiruzzo, L. , Coto-Solano, R. , Cruz, H. , Flores-Solórzano, S. , Alvarez, A. , Meza, I. , Ortega, J. , Palmer, A. , Zevallos, R. , Stenzel, K. , Vu, T. and Kann, K. : Findings of the Second AmericasNLP Competition on Speech-to-Text Translation. Proceedings of the NeurIPS 2022 Competitions Track. pp. 217--232. 2022.
  3. Ebrahimi, A. , Mager, M. , Oncevay, A. , Chaudhary, V. , Chiruzzo, L. , Fan, A. , Ortega, J. , Ramos, R. , Rios, A. , Meza, I. , Giménez-Lugo, G. , Mager, E. , Neubig, G. , Palmer, A. , Coto-Solano, R. , Vu, T. and Kann, K. : AmericasNLI: Evaluating Zero-shot Natural Language Understanding of Pretrained Multilingual Models in Truly Low-resource Languages. Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers). pp. 6279–6299. 2022.
  4. López, J. , Chalendar, G. , Garcia, J. , Charnois, T. and Meza, I. : GeSERA: General-domain Summary Evaluation by Relevance Analysis. Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing. pp. 856-867. 2021.
  5. Alizadeh, P. , Garcia, J. and Meza, I. : Apprentissage par renforcement pour la recherche dexperts sur le web. Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances 2020. Vol. RNTI-E-36. pp. 261-268. 2020.
  6. Mager, J. , Gutierrez, X. , Sierra, G. and Meza, I. : Challenges of language technologies for the indigenous languages of the Americas. Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics. Vol. 1. pp. 55-69. 2018.
  7. Kann, K. , Mager, J. , Meza, I. and Schütze, H. : Fortification of Neural Morphological Segmentation Models for Polysynthetic Minimal-Resource Languages. Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long Papers). Vol. 1. pp. 47-57. 2018.
  8. Mager, J. , Barrón, C. and Meza, I. : Wixarika to Spanish Statistical Translation Based on Morphology using Scarce Resources. Proceedings of COMTEL 2016. Vol. 2276. pp. 63-68. 2016.
  9. Pineda, L. and Golem, G. : The Golem Team, RoboCup@Home 2013. Proceedings of RoboCup 2013. pp. . 2013.
  10. Pineda, L. and Golem, G. : The Golem Team, RoboCup@Home 2012. Proceedings of RoboCup 2012. pp. . 2012.
  11. Moya, E. , Hernández, M. , Pineda, L. and Meza, I. : Speech Recognition with Limited Resources for Children and Adult Speakers. Tenth Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence - Special Session - Revised Papers. Vol. 2276. pp. 57-65. 2011.
  12. Pineda, L. and Golem, G. : The Golem Team, RoboCup@Home 2011. Proceedings of Robocup 2001. pp. . 2011.
  13. Avilés, H. , Meza, I. , Aguilar, W. and Pineda, L. : Integrating pointing gestures into a spanish–spoken dialog system for conversational service robots. Proceedings of ICAART-2010. Vol. 2276. pp. 585-589. 2010.
  14. Meza, I. and Riedel, S. : Multilingual Semantic Role Labelling with Markov Logic. Proceedings of the Thirteenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL 2009): Shared Task. pp. 85-90. 2009.
  15. Meza, I. and Riedel, S. : Jointly identifying predicates, arguments and senses using Markov Logic. Proceedings of Human Language Technologies: The 2009 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. pp. 155-163. 2009.
  16. Riedel, S. and Meza, I. : Collective Semantic Role Labelling with Markov Logic. CoNLL 2008: Proceedings of the Twelfth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning. pp. 193-197. 2008.
  17. Meza, I. , Riedel, S. and Lemon, O. : Accurate Statistical Spoken Language Understanding from Limited Development Resources. Proceedings of ICASSP-08. pp. 5021-5024. 2008.
  18. Riedel, S. , Caciki, R. and Meza, I. : Multilingual Dependency Parsing with Incremental Integer Linear Programming. Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL-X). pp. 226-230. 2006.
  19. Pineda, L. and Meza, I. : A Computational Model of the Spanish Clitic System. Actas del IX Simposio Internacional de Comunicación Social. pp. 605-608. 2005.
  20. Journal JCR

  21. Reyes, M. , Cruz, R. and Meza, I. : University membership through immersive virtual environments and a sense of belongingnes. Interactive Learning Environments. pp. 1-13. 2023.
  22. Fuentes-Ramos, M. , Sánchez-DelaCruz, E. , Meza, I. and Loeza-Mejía, C. : Neurodegenerative diseases categorization by applying the automatic model selection and hyperparameter optimization method. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems. pp. 4759-4767. 2022.
  23. Maqueda, E. , Alvarez-Jimenez, J. , Hernández-Mena, C. and Meza, I. : Triplet loss-based embeddings for forensic speaker identification in Spanish. Neural Computing and Applications, Special Issue on LatinX in AI Research. pp. 1-10. 2021.
  24. Mager, M. and Meza, I. : Retos en construcción de traductores automáticos para lenguas indígenas de México. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities. pp. i43–i48. 2021.
  25. Hernández-Mena, C. , Meza, I. , Ramírez, J. and Herrera, J. : Algoritmos fonéticos para la detección de palabras fonéticamente similares en el español del centro de México. Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics. Vol. 33:1. pp. 140-170. 2020.
  26. Fuentes, G. and Meza, I. : Topic discovery in massive text corpora based on Min-Hashing. Expert Systems with Applications. Vol. 136. pp. 62-72. 2019.
  27. Mager, J. , Jasso, M. , Çetinoğlu, Ö. and Meza, I. : Low-resource neural character-based noisy text normalization. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems. Vol. 36, num 5. pp. 4921-4929. 2019.
  28. Reyes, M. , Meza, I. and Pineda, L. : Robotics facial expression of anger in collaborative human–robot interaction. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems. Vol. January-February 2019. pp. 13. 2019.
  29. Rascon, C. , Meza, I. , Millan, A. , Velez, I. , Fuentes, G. , Mendoza, D. and Ruiz, O. : Acoustic interactions for robot audition: A corpus of real auditory scenes. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (EL399). Vol. 144, num 5. pp. 5. 2018.
  30. Mager, J. , Carrillo, D. and Meza, I. : Probabilistic Finite-State morphological segmenter for Wixarika (huichol) language. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems. Vol. 38, num 5. pp. 3081-3087. 2018.
  31. Garcia, J. , Meza, I. , Colin, É. , Gardent, C. , Gangemi, A. and Pineda, L. : Robot experience stories: First person generation of robotic task narratives in SitLog. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems. Vol. 38, num 5. pp. 3291-3300. 2018.
  32. Rascón, C. and Meza, I. : Localization of sound sources in robotics: A review. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. Vol. 96. pp. 184–210. 2017.
  33. Pineda, L. , Rodríguez, A. , Fuentes, G. , Rascón, C. and Meza, I. : A light non-monotonic knowledge-base for service robots. Intelligent Service Robotics. pp. 159-171. 2017.
  34. Rascón, C. , Fuentes, G. and Meza, I. : Lightweight multi-DOA tracking of mobile speech sources. EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing. Vol. 11. pp. 16. 2015.
  35. Rascón, C. , Meza, I. , Fuentes, G. , Salinas, L. and Pineda, L. : Integration of the Multi-DOA Estimation Functionality to Human-Robot Interaction. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems. Vol. 12:8. pp. 1-154. 2015.
  36. Pineda, L. , Rodríguez, A. , Fuentes, G. , Rascón, C. and Meza, I. : Concept and Functional Structure of a Service Robot. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems. Vol. 12:6. pp. 1-15. 2015.
  37. Pineda, L. , Salinas, L. , Meza, I. , Rascón, C. and Fuentes, G. : SitLog: A Programming Language for Service Robot Tasks. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems. Vol. 10. pp. 1-12. 2013.
  38. Journal

  39. Aguilera, A. and Meza, I. : Agente de navegación web para detección de noticias falsas usando aprendizaje profundo por refuerzo y listas de argumentos. Research in Computer Science special issue: Proceedings of COMIA. Vol. 152, No. 7. pp. 87-100. 2023.
  40. Carlos, H. and Meza, I. : The State of end-to-end Systems for Mexican Spanish speech recognition. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural. Vol. 70. pp. 135-144. 2023.
  41. Kann, K. , Ebrahimi, A. , Mager, M. , Oncevay, A. , Ortega, J. , Rios, A. , Fan, A. , Gutierrez-Vasques, X. , Chiruzzo, L. , Giménez-Lugo, G. , Ramos, R. , Meza, I. , Mager, E. , Chaudhary, V. , Neubig, G. , Palmer, A. , Coto-Solano, R. and Vu, N. : AmericasNLI: Machine translation and natural language inference systems for Indigenous languages of the Americas. Research topic: Women in Natural Language Processing 2022, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence. pp. 17. 2022.
  42. Cruz, L. , Antonio, J. , Meza, I. , López, E. and Gil, L. : Sistema intérprete automático neuronal Mazahua del norte del Estado de México a Español. Número Especial de la Revista Aristas: Investigación Básica y Aplicada. Vol. 9, Núm. 17, . pp. 241-246. 2022.
  43. Zacarías, D. and Meza, I. : Traductor Automático Neuronal Ayuuk-Español. Research in Computer Science special issue: Proceedings of COMIA. Vol. 150, No. 5. pp. 91-100. 2021.
  44. Hernández-Mena, C. , Meza, I. and Herrera, A. : Automatic speech recognizers for Mexican Spanish and its open resources. Journal of Applied Research and Technology. Vol. 15:3. pp. 259-270. 2017.
  45. Meza, I. , Rascón, C. , Fuentes, G. and Pineda, L. : On Indexicality, Direction of Arrival of Sound Sources and Human-Robot Interaction. Journal of Robotics. Vol. 56. pp. 32. 2016.
  46. Jasso, G. and Meza, I. : Character and Word Baselines Systems for Irony Detection in Spanish Short Texts. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural. Vol. 56. pp. 41-48. 2016.
  47. Pineda, L. , Meza, I. , Avilés, H. , Gershenson, C. , Rascón, C. , Alvarado, M. and Salinas, L. : IOCA: Interaction-Oriented Cognitive Architecture. Research in Computer Science. Vol. 54. pp. 274-284. 2011.
  48. Venegas, E. , Meza, I. and Pineda, L. : Evaluation of a Dialogue System for Children based on an Interaction-Oriented Cognitive Architecture. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural. Vol. 46. pp. 113-120. 2011.
  49. Tapia, G. , Meza, I. and Pineda, L. : Language Models for Name Recognition in Spanish Spoken Dialogue System. Research in Computer Science. Vol. 49. pp. 145-154. 2010.
  50. Meza, I. , Pérez, E. , Salinas, L. , Avilés, H. and Pineda, L. : A Multimodal Dialogue System for Playing the Game “Guess the card”. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural. Vol. 44. pp. 131-138. 2010.
  51. Meza, I. and Pineda, L. : Syntax-driven bindings of Spanish clitic pronouns. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural. Vol. 35. pp. 253-258. 2005.
  52. Pineda, L. and Meza, I. : The spanish pronominal clitic system. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural. Vol. 34. pp. 34-71. 2005.
  53. Meza, I. and Pineda, L. : Un modelo para la perifrasis española y el sistema de pronombres cliticos en HSPG. Estudios de Linguistica Aplicada. Vol. 22:38. pp. 45-67. 2003.
  54. Lecture Notes

  55. Herrera-Contreras, A. , Sánchez, E. and Meza, I. : Twitter Opinion Analysis About Topic 5G Technology. Applied Technologies. ICAT 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Vol. 1193. pp. 31-40. 2020.
  56. Monrraga, F. , Sánchez, E. and Meza, I. : Knee-Ankle Sensor for Gait Characterization: Gender Identification Case. Intelligent Computing Systems. ISICS 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Vol. 820. pp. 31-40. 2018.
  57. Álvarez, M. , López, P. , Montes, M. , Villaseñor, L. and Meza, I. : Evaluating Topic-Based Representations for Author Profiling in Social Media. Advances in Artificial Intelligence - IBERAMIA 2016. Vol. 10022. pp. 151-162. 2016.
  58. Angel, C. , Villatoro, E. , Meza, I. and Ramirez, G. : From Dialogue Corpora to Dialogue Systems: Generating a Chatbot with Teenager Personality for Preventing Cyber-Pedophilia. Text, Speech, and Dialogue (19th International Conference, TSD 2016). Vol. 9924. pp. 531-539. 2016.
  59. Reyes, M. , Meza, I. and Pineda, L. : The Positive Effect of Negative Feedback in HRI Using a Facial Expression Robot. Cultural Robotics. Vol. 9549. pp. 44-54. 2016.
  60. Fuentes-Pineda, G. and Meza, I. : Sampled Weighted Min-Hashing for Large-Scale Topic Mining. Pattern Recognition, 7th Mexican Conference, MCPR 2015. Vol. 9116. pp. 203-213. 2015.
  61. Villarreal, T. , Rascon, C. and Meza, I. : Emotion Based Features of Bird Singing for Turdus migratorius Identification. Proceedings MICAI 2013. LNCS (LNAI). Vol. 8266. pp. 521-530. 2013.
  62. Meza, I. , Rascon, C. and Pineda, L. : Practical Speech Recognition for Contextualized Service Robots. Proceedings MICAI 2013. LNCS (LNAI). Vol. 8266. pp. 423-434. 2013.
  63. Fabian, A. , Hernández, M. , Pineda, L. and Meza, I. : Contextual Semantic Processing for a Spanish Dialogue System Using Markov Logic. Proceedings MICAI 2011. LNCS (LNAI). Vol. 7094. pp. 258-266. 2011.
  64. Meza, I. , Salinas, L. , Venegas, E. , Hayde, C. , Alejandra, C. and Pineda, L. : Specification and Evaluation of a Spanish Conversational System Using Dialogue Models. Proceedings IBERAMIA 2010. LNCS (LNAI). Vol. 6433. pp. 346-355. 2010.
  65. Pineda, L. , Meza, I. and Salinas, L. : Dialogue Model Specification and Interpretation for Intelligent Multimodal HCI. Proceedings IBERAMIA 2010. LNCS (LNAI). Vol. 6433. pp. 20-29. 2010.
  66. Avilés, H. , Alvarado, M. , Venegas, E. , Rascón, C. , Meza, I. and Pineda, L. : Development of a Tour-Guide Robot Using Dialogue Models and a Cognitive Architecture. Proceedings IBERAMIA 2010. LNCS (LNAI). Vol. 6433. pp. 512-521. 2010.
  67. Pineda, L. , Castellanos, H. , Coria, S. , Estrada, V. , López, F. , López, I. , Meza, I. , Moreno, I. , Pérez, P. and Rodríguez, C. : Balancing Transactions in Practical Dialogues. Proceedings CICLing 2006. LNCS. Vol. 3878. pp. 331-342. 2006.
  68. Pineda, L. and Meza, I. : A Computational Model of the Spanish Clitic System. Proceedings CICLing 2005. LNCS. Vol. 3406. pp. 73-82. 2005.
  69. Pineda, L. , Masse, A. , Meza, I. , Salas, M. , Schwarz, E. , Uraga, E. and Villaseñor, L. : The Dime project. Proceedings of MICAI 2002, LNCS (LNAI). Vol. 2313. pp. 85-94. 2002.
  70. Meza, I. and Pineda, L. : The Spanish Auxiliary Verb System in HPSG. Proceedings CICLING 2002, LNCS 2276. Vol. 2276. pp. 200-209. 2002.
  71. Book chapter

  72. Alizadeh, P. , Garcia, J. , Meza, I. and Taleb, S. : Reinforcement Learning for Expert Finding from Web Search Results. Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Management. pp. 113-128. 2024.
  73. Meza, I. , Mager, M. and Garcia, J. : Traductores Wixárika-Español. Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural para las Lenguas Indígenas. pp. 173-184. 2021.
  74. Meza, I. , Cáceres, E. , López, C. , Aguilar, P. and Garcia, M. : Extracción automática de información jurídica de sentencias. MADIC a cinco años de su creación: pasado presente y futuro. Vol. 1. pp. 41-60. 2019.
  75. Meza, I. and Pineda, L. : Pronominal clitic composition and subsumption spanish. Linguistics in the twenty first century. Vol. 2276. pp. 299-306. 2006.
  76. Workshop proceedings

  77. Baez, E. , Barrón, I. , Becerril, H. , Contreras, X. and Meza, I. : IIMAS-UNAM Team entry: Transformer Adapters for Sentiment Analysis of REST-MEX 2023. Proceedings of the Iberian Languages Evaluation Forum (IberLEF 2023) co-located with the Conference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing (SEPLN 2023). Vol. 3496. pp. 8. 2023.
  78. Hernández-Mena, C. and Meza, I. : Creating Mexican Spanish Language Resources through the Social Service Program. Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Novel Incentives in Data Collection from People: models, implementations, challenges and results within LREC 2022. pp. 20-24. 2022.
  79. Zacarías, D. and Meza, I. : Ayuuk-Spanish Neural Machine Translator. Proceedings of the First Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Indigenous Languages of the Americas. pp. 168-172. 2021.
  80. Mager, M. , Oncevay, A. , Ebrahimi, A. , Ortega, J. , Rios, A. , Fan, A. , Gutierrez-Vasques, X. , Chiruzzo, L. , Giménez-Lugo, G. , Ramos, R. , Meza, I. , Coto-Solano, R. , Palmer, A. , Mager, E. , Chaudhary, V. , Neubig, G. , Vu, T. and Kann, K. : Findings of the AmericasNLP 2021 Shared Task on Open Machine Translation for Indigenous Languages of the Americas. Proceedings of the First Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Indigenous Languages of the Americas. pp. 202-217. 2021.
  81. Lopez, J. , Chalendar, G. , Charnois, T. , Garcia, J. and Meza, I. : Saucissonnage of Long Sequences into a Multi-encoder for Neural Text Summarization with Transformers. Proceedings Deep Learning pour le traitement automatique des langues EGC 2021. pp. 13. 2021.
  82. Mager, J. , Mager, E. , Medina-Urrea, A. , Meza, I. and Kann, K. : Lost in Translation: Analysis of Information Loss During Machine Translation Between Polysynthetic and Fusional Languages. Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Modeling of Polysynthetic Languages. Vol. 1. pp. 73–83. 2018.
  83. Murrieta, H. and Meza, I. : NeuroSign: a Seq2Seq Model Proposal for Sign Language Translation. WiNLP 2018 Workshop (co-located with NAACL). pp. 4. 2018.
  84. Kann, K. , Mager, J. , Meza, I. and Schütze, H. : Neural Morphological Segmentation for Polysynthetic Minimal-Resource Languages. WiNLP 2018 Workshop (co-located with NAACL). pp. 3. 2018.
  85. Arroyo, I. , Meza, I. and Méndez, C. : UNAM at SemEval-2018 Task 10: Unsupervised Semantic Discriminative Atribute Identification in Neural Word Embedding Cones. Proceedings of The 12th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation. pp. 977-984. 2018.
  86. Kann, K. , Mager, J. , Meza, I. and Schütze, H. : Improving Neural Morphological Segmentation for Polysynthetic Minimal-Resource Languages. LLD Workshop 2017 (NIPS). pp. 4. 2017.
  87. Mager, J. , Carrillo, D. and Meza, I. : WixNLP: Probabilistic Finite-State morphological analyzer for Wixarika language. WiNLP 2017 Workshop (co-located with ACL). pp. 1. 2017.
  88. Arroyo, I. and Meza, I. : LIPN-IIMAS at SemEval-2017 Task 1: Subword embeddings, attention recurrent neural networks and cross word alignment for semantic textual similarity. Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2017). pp. 208-212. 2017.
  89. Meza, I. , Garcia-Flores, J. , Gangemi, A. and Pineda, L. : Towards narrative generation of spatial experiences in service robots. Proceedings of IJCAI 2016 WS Autonomous Mobile Service Robots. pp. 4. 2016.
  90. Lightgow, O. , Meza, I. , Orozco, A. , Garcia-Flores, J. and Buscaldi, D. : LIPN-IIMAS at SemEval-2016 Task 1: Random Forest Regression Experiments on Align-and-Differentiate and Word Embeddings penalizing strategies. Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2016). pp. 726-731. 2016.
  91. Reyes, M. , Meza, I. and Pineda, L. : The Positive Effect of Negative Feedback in HRI Using a Facial Expression Robot. Social HRI: Overcoming Barriers Through Appearance, Behaviour and Context-Based Design. pp. 4. 2015.
  92. Meza, I. , Espino, A. , Solano, F. and Villarreal, T. : A Fast Baseline System for Large Scale Bird Identification. CLEF2015 Working Notes. pp. 4. 2015.
  93. Gutierrez, J. , Casillas, J. , Ledesma, P. , Fuentes, G. and Meza, I. : Homotopy Based Classification for Author Verification Task. CLEF2015 Working Notes. pp. 6. 2015.
  94. Palomino, A. , Camacho, A. , Fierro, R. , Hernandez, I. , Buscaldi, D. and Meza, I. : A Random Forest Approach for Authorship Profiling . CLEF2015 Working Notes. pp. 8. 2015.
  95. Buscaldi, D. , Flores, J. , Meza, I. and Rodriguez, I. : SOPA: Random Forests Regression for the Semantic Textual Similarity task. Proceedings of SemEval-2015. pp. 132--137. 2015.
  96. Martinez, R. , Silva, L. , Villarreal, T. , Fuentes, G. and Meza, I. : SVM Candidates and Sparse Representation for Bird Identification. Working Notes for CLEF 2014 Conference . pp. 662-669. 2014.
  97. Mayor, C. , Gutierrez, J. , Toledo, A. , Martinez, R. , Ledesma, P. , Fuentes, G. and Meza, I. : A Single Author Style Representation for the Author Verification Task. Working Notes for CLEF 2014 Conference . pp. 1079-1083. 2014.
  98. Ledesma, P. , Fuentes, G. , Jasso, G. , Toledo, A. and Meza, I. : Distance Learning for Author Verification. CLEF 2013 Evaluation Labs and Workshop, Abstracts - Online Working Notes. pp. 8. 2013.
  99. Meza, I. , Riedel, S. and Lemon, O. : Spoken Language Understanding in Dialogue Systems, Using a 2-layer Markov Logic Network: Improving Semantic Accuracy. Late Breaking Abstracts of Londial '08: Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue'. pp. . 2008.
  100. Meza, I. and Lemon, O. : Using Dialogue Context to Improve Parsing Performance in Dialogue Systems. Proceedings of IWCS-6. pp. 21-27. 2005.
  101. Meza, I. and Pineda, L. : Un modelo para la integracion de verbos auxiliares y pronombres cliticos del espanol en HSPG. memories of workshop Multilingual Information Access and Natural Language Processing Iberamia-2002. pp. . 2002.
  102. Pineda, L. , Masse, A. , Meza, I. , Salas, M. , Schwarz, E. , Uraga, E. and Villaseñor, L. : El proyecto DIME. Proceedings of Second International Workshop in SLPLT. pp. 41-45. 2001.
  103. Abstracts

  104. López, A. , Alvarez, L. , Meza, I. , Mijangos, V. , Muñiz, A. , Martínez, G. and Reyes, C. : Reducción del estigma en salud mental mediante un agente conversacional basado en la API de ChatGPT. Primer congreso de Ciencia, Tecnología y Vinculación. pp. 1. 2023.
  105. Meza, I. and Maqueda, E. : Identificación forense de hablantes en español usando triplet loss. Congreso Estudiantil de Inteligencia Artificial Aplicada a la Ingeniería y Tecnología. pp. 2. 2020.
  106. Maqueda, E. , Álvarez, J. and Meza, I. : Towards forensic speaker identification in Spanish using triplet loss. LatinX in AI Research at NeurIPS 2020. pp. 2. 2020.
  107. Murrieta, H. , Meza, I. , Alizadeh, P. and García, J. : Towards Identifying for Evidence of Drain Brain fromWeb Search Results using Reinforcement Learning. LatinX in AI Research at NeurIPS 2019. pp. 3. 2019.
  108. Jasso, M. , Mager, M. and Meza, I. : Towards a twitter corpus of the indigenous languages of the Americas. Latin American and Iberian Languages Open Corpora Forum 2019. pp. 2. 2019.
  109. Villarreal, E. , Bastida, P. , Hevia, N. and Meza, I. : FlaminGo! Conteo automatizado de aves a partir de imágenes obtenidas de drones: consideraciones y evaluación. XVI Congreso para el estudio y conservación de las aves en México. pp. 46. 2018.
  110. Mager, M. , Carrillo, D. and Meza, I. : The Wixarika-Spanish Parallel Corpus. Latin American and Iberian Languages Open Corpora Forum 2018. pp. 2. 2018.
  111. Meza, I. , Mager, M. , Flores, J. , Tomeh, N. and Amador, J. : Traducción automática de las lenguas indígenas de México basada en aprendizaje profundo. Primer Coloquio del Centro Virtual de Computación, UNAM. pp. 108-110. 2018.
  112. Mager, M. and Meza, I. : Hacia la Traducción Automática de las Lenguas Indígenas de México. Digital Humanities 2018 Puentes-Bridges Book of Abstracts. pp. 637-639. 2018.
  113. Caceres, E. and Meza, I. : Steps Towards a Computational Visualizer of Legal Globalization as a Complex Adaptive Network. Booklet for the Conference on Complex Systems 2017. pp. 1. 2017.
  114. Meza, I. , Aguilar, P. , García-Constantino, M. , López, C. and Caceres, E. : Extracción de red de conectividad: Caso sentencias de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. 1er Simposio- seminario internacional sobre tecnologías del lenguaje humano en las ciencias sociales: experiencias en investigación aplicada. pp. 2. 2017.
  115. Villarreal, T. , Meza, I. and Rascón, C. : Identificación del canto del Turdus migratorius utilizando un modelo acústico, estadístico y computacional. XII Congreso para el estudio y conservación de las aves en México (CECAM). pp. 80. 2013.
  116. Ledesma, P. , Fuentes, G. , Jasso, G. , Toledo, A. and Meza, I. : Distance Learning for Author Verification. CLEF 2013 Evaluation Labs and Workshop, Abstracts - Working Notes. pp. 99. 2013.
  117. Divulgation

  118. Meza, I. : El arte de escribir… según las computadoras. Letrillas, Letras libres. pp. 74-75. 2022.
  119. Herrera-Contreras, A. , Sánchez, E. , Meza, I. and Fuentes-Ramos, M. : SASTuit, software de análisis de sentimiento utilizando aprendizaje automático. Komputer Sapiens. pp. 42-47. 2021.
  120. Trejo, S. , López, F. , Meza, I. and González-(Ilustrador), G. : ¿Quién controla los sistemas de Inteligencia Artificial?. Anfibia. pp. 20. 2021.
  121. Technical reports

  122. Trejo, S. , García, H. , Meza, I. and León, G. : When AI is not the solution: Towards integral co-design processes. Project: Co-designing technology with indigenous interpreters. pp. 26. 2023.
  123. Trejo, S. , García, H. , Meza, I. and León, G. : Cuando la IA no es la solución: hacia procesos integrales de co-diseño. Project: Co-designing technology with indigenous interpreters. pp. 27. 2023.
  124. Trejo, S. , García, H. , Meza, I. and León, G. : Cuando la IA no es la solución: hacia procesos integrales de co-diseño (versión extendida). Project: Co-designing technology with indigenous interpreters. pp. 47. 2023.
  125. Meza, I. : NLP Models for the Political Misogynistic Discourse Monitor Project. Projecto: Political Misogynistic Discourse Monitor (PMDM). pp. 27. 2021.
  126. Pozo, C. , Trejo, S. , Ferreira, R. , Campo, A. and Meza, I. : Ética. Agenda Nacional Mexicana de Inteligencia Artificial. pp. 44-75. 2020.
  127. Meza, I. : Hacia análisis de voz forense basado deep learning. Proyecto PAPIIT IA40151, Responsable: Dra. Fernanda López Escobedo. pp. 10. 2019.
  128. Jasso, G. , Hernández, F. , Mora, A. and Meza, I. : Verificación de ironía en textos cortos. Reporte técnico, RTTL. pp. 4. 2016.
  129. Pineda, L. , Rascon, C. , Fuentes, G. , Estrada, V. , Rodriguez, A. , Meza, I. , Ortega, H. , Reyes, M. , Peña, M. , Duran, J. , Campos, E. , Chimal, S. and Orozco, A. : The Golem Team, RoboCup@Home 2014. Reporte técnico, DCC, IIMAS, UNAM. pp. 8. 2014.
  130. Pineda, L. , Meza, I. , Venegas, E. , Salinas, L. , Pérez, E. , Castellanos, H. , Chavarría, A. , Avilés, H. and Rascón, C. : El proyecto Golem-Universum: Adivina la carta. Reporte técnico, DCC, IIMAS, UNAM. pp. 56. 2012.
  131. Lemon, O. , Georgila, K. , Henderson, J. , Gabsdil, M. , Meza, I. and Young, S. : D4.1: Integration of Learning and Adaptivity with the ISU approach. Technical report, TALK Project. pp. . 2005.
  132. Pineda, L. and Meza, I. : Una gramática básica del español en HPSG. Reporte técnico, DCC, IIMAS, UNAM. pp. . 2003.